
Showing posts from January, 2021

Modern Love

  We are at times  That we hold on to lies  Knowing it won’t last  We wish it won’t end so fast    Oh this modern love  When you need to prove it  Stripping to the next level taking it  In fear of losing what you have    But the things you fear came to light  Each day having a fight  Tarring each other apart   Doubting was it right from the start      Then the final words come out  I’m sick of you don’t wanna see you again  Bringing the impossible thought  Like a blink of an eye breaking the chain  A stub so deep by an invisible knife  Taking the shine from your life    All those promise fading  Those beautiful words you were hearing   When your fantasy cleft from the truth  As he cut you lose  Yeah he left you bleeding  With this numb thing you feeling  A bruise so deep that you hurting  You couldn’t stop it no matter what you stitching  This swollen wound it wouldn’t start healing     The rage inside starts to grow  This darkness you wanna throw  And trust becomes your fl

Ungrateful 💛

Little things that we never notice Surrounded with blessings that we never flourish  From the clean air we breathe Till the goods of the earth we squeeze Things that might appear as minor Wisdom from the designer Making this life finer  But we have the urge to be a sinner Never perceiving the bigger picture We never knew the rightful structure Praying on a dead meat like a vulture We tend to watch the living turn into a hideous sculpture  Time never waits None of us stays We could lose it all just in a slight pace  Sheets and shroud covering our face We might fall without grasping what we chase  Collateral damage another funeral case  It’s kinda sad Yearning for things we never had Driven we fail to see so bad Never grateful always mad For the gifts we have we’re never glad Despite we have a loving home We wish our house was in the middle of Rome Forgetting home was never the bricks nor the soil Just a circle of people relations that never spoil Yeah while you were whining


I see my destination; it's beautiful.  I clearly see my vision; it's incredible. But which staircase should I take to get there? Two straircases; I guess I just have to dare. At a time, you can only take one staircase... Then that's it for the rest of the phase. One is right, one is wrong, but which is which? And after taking one, you cannot switch. To switch is to quit before learning the truth. To switch is to kill time, to stop too soon. I see the top, the dazzling top. I run up these stairs; I will never stop. But I don't want to be wrong, or I'll flop. If the staircase ends halfway and I fall off, It'll break me—the landing won't be soft. Lately, my confidence has been stumbling.  For quite a while now, I have been running. I wonder if this staircase is just a cul-de-sac. I wonder if I'm wasting life with the wrong track. The god in my mind speaks to me often. He makes sure I believe in my only vision. But I want him to tell me if I'

Baby Doll

She is more attractive. She was built like a beautiful and graceful Japanese doll. Her pale ivory skin was flawless. Her dark black hair had just a hint of auburn and cascaded down all the way to the curve of her hips.  Her face was exquisite, with deep pools for eyes, an aquiline nose and delicate but full lips. She looked every inch a princess. She is amazing just the way she was!! Aka BABY DOLL

Unrequited Feelings

It kills me that I see you every day Going on with the regular days  You're my world but I know I'll stay Just another one of your friends If you knew I stay up some nights If you knew what I wish for Would you finally call me yours Or would you leave me alone ? Also tonight with the company of the moon I keep on wishing to the sky To live my dreams soon For you to be mine                                     -yours 


                                       In the dark weird world many stars gleamed and twinkled the room still bled hard. As the grief clouded it and swirled path not seen but only the pitch dark room.  It feared. Feared of losing in the abyss. Auburn gave could be seen somewhere over itself. Loneliness ate it secretly like those worms making woods hollow where it looked perfect yet the eclipse occupied it behind dealing with the chaos, it helped itself with little more darkness engulfed by the mists..!