Modern Love

We are at times 
That we hold on to lies 
Knowing it won’t last 
We wish it won’t end so fast 
Oh this modern love 
When you need to prove it 
Stripping to the next level taking it 
In fear of losing what you have 
But the things you fear came to light 
Each day having a fight 
Tarring each other apart  
Doubting was it right from the start 
Then the final words come out 
I’m sick of you don’t wanna see you again 
Bringing the impossible thought 
Like a blink of an eye breaking the chain 
A stub so deep by an invisible knife 
Taking the shine from your life 
All those promise fading 
Those beautiful words you were hearing  
When your fantasy cleft from the truth 
As he cut you lose 
Yeah he left you bleeding 
With this numb thing you feeling 
A bruise so deep that you hurting 
You couldn’t stop it no matter what you stitching 
This swollen wound it wouldn’t start healing  
The rage inside starts to grow 
This darkness you wanna throw 
And trust becomes your flow 
So from the inside you became cold 
Cause love wasn’t a fairy tale like you’re told 
Trying not drown in the void on anything so tight you hold 
Tired of hanging on to this heavy weight 
You became the person you hate 
Playing with someone’s emotion 
Saying things that you don’t mean 
Breaking like you’re broken committing a sin 
Just so you couldn’t be alone in this freezing ocean 
You pull everybody to the darkness that you’re in 
Yeah when your reality and lies overlaps 
On your personality you lose your grasp 
Yeah that’s modern love 
A curse that we think we blessed to have. 


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