
Live your character at any cost; at all costs.

Anger in response to anger is more anger. Bad as a response to bad is only more bad. Wrong as a response to wrong can never be right. In life, two negatives do not make one positive. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - where will all this lead us? We so keenly observe the enemy’s traits, so much so that we eventually acquire those traits. How often in dealing with the enemy we become like the enemy! He was a personification of honesty. However, he found himself in situations where his honesty hurt others. So he began to resort to lying, not wanting to be a source of disturbance to others. The inability to deal with his honesty was the weakness of others. Now, he has developed a weakness to counter the weakness of others. Will weakness as a response to weakness create a better world? She has always been a plain and simple soul. Of late, she has developed the doubt that her husband is doing things that he doesn’t tell her. So she has started policing him; she has been thinking of

Money has no memory. Experience has.πŸ’«

You will never know the total cost of your education, but for a lifetime you will recall and relive the memories of school and college. A few years from now, you will forget the amount you paid for hospitalisation, but you will always cherish the memory of having saved your mother’s life or the life you get to live with the newborn. You won’t remember the cost of your honeymoon, but to the last breath remember the experiences of the bliss of togetherness. Money has no memory. Experience has. Good times and bad times, times of prosperity and times of poverty, times when the future looked secure and times when you didn’t know from where your tomorrow would come from … life has been in one way or another a roller-coaster ride for everyone. Beyond all that abundance and beyond all that deprivation, what remains is the memory of experiences. Sometimes the wallet was full … sometimes even the pocket was empty. There was enough and you still had reasons to frown. There wasn’t enou

Decision to leave πŸ˜“πŸ’š

I know we are not meant to be together but still my heart only craves for you.  Every inch of my body craves for your presence.  It doesn't matter how many times my brain strictly ceases my heart to not thinking about you and wanting you but my vulnerable heart always wins in the fight between choosing you and letting you go. This is just the sign how much I owe my heart, my soul and my body to you. Loving you, wanting you will always lead me to the eternal and countless sorrow.  But my love for you is endless and beyond any imagination and this is what makes me strong enough to love you this hard and this is what gives me strength to not give up on you. Yes, I can love you and still let you go for me this is what love is all about.  Love could never be forced between two people it could only be conspired between those who passionately want to be in it.  Why should I stop you to stay by my side?  You never asked me to love you this hard.  You never forced me to do those

Glimpses of her πŸ’š

The girl with blushing face, Having the cutest smile one can see; Who is the only person who gives thought of writing Even brighter than the blue sea. Her name is the only thing in my mind That brings the dreams, She is beautiful like Venus, and; Improves mood like natural vaccines… I wrote your name on the sky, But the wind blew it away. I wrote your name on the sand, But the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my heart, And forever it will stay. His unrequited  Feelings: "He remembers those vanished years.   As though looking through a dusty window pane, the past is something he could see, but not touch.   And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct.”


The way her voice melted all my sorrows, And her laughter made my heart leap in my chest, As if an angel, she popped in my mind and smiled, Like the moon she is, she calmed my mind. She sounded like a melody, Who captured my heart the first time we talked, How, why and where, doesn't matter, Because she was what my heart yearned for in this lifetime, As if she was all that mattered, My heart leaped in my chest, as she looked at me, The way her warm gaze had me, And the stars in her eyes drew me in, She was entrancing and exquisite, In a way no other could carry it, She carried all that love inside. With her tiny frame, and small Doe eyes, The small palms, and the eye smile, As if she was made to capture hearts, With every simple act she did, She had me swooning. An angel indeed, with the beauty of a devil, She held my heart in her palms,  As if she had the magic of an elven, Ageing like an vampire, With the colours of pixie, Her heart like an fairy, With the connection of a werewol

Upside Down ❤πŸ™‚

You make me laugh when I want to cry , You make me live when I want to die , You make me smile when I want to frown , You turn my life upside down . I need you more , Than you can believe , & Love you more , Than you can conceive . I know we fight every now and then , But please know that I , Will love you till the end . I just know that you're the one for me , & the only one , there will ever be . I'll never tell you the word goodbye , And love you till the day I die . I hope that one day , You'll come to realise , That how perfect you are , When seen through my eyes...           

Let the good make noise.

An aspiring youth joined a daily as an apprentice. After three days of rigorous training and induction, he was asked to go to the field and come back with a story worth publishing. After toiling through the streets and braving the heat for close to six hours, he was returning to office with a sense of failure as he hadn’t collected a worthwhile story. He came to a junction where three roads met in a ‘Y’ formation. He noticed two buses speeding towards the junction from the two opposite roads, oblivious of what they were heading for. An accident seemed almost inevitable. The young reporter used his presence of mind, ran to the meeting point of the two roads, vigorously waved both his hands, screamed at the top of his voice and eventually succeeded in stopping both the buses. Hundreds of passengers from both the buses took the youth’s hand into theirs and thanked him … some even kissed him. However, on hearing this heroic story from the young reporter, the editor of the newsp