How it feels like...?

The little things that used to make her glow. She had forgotten the way when she felt being safe with someone else's arms. She had forgotten the way how she quickly gets relaxed and talked to that person like being content without worrying other things just because she trusted them. She had forgetten how it felt to look at someone so close where she couldn't stop thinking about them as if the time had stopped entirely for just both of them in a different world. She had forgotten all the tiny every detail that she used to adore. Like when someone whispered in her ears telling me, he had a crush on her.

How did it feel? How did it feel like, to be so safe? To be so carefree and relaxed. What did it feel like to be with them for all eternity?

She doesn't remember it. She can think about it. She can think back to it, but she can't feel it anymore. But she wants to. She wants to feel it right now. She wants to remember all of it. But she only remembers a few of the fragments that only remember the big moments, not the tiny perfect little ones.

She had forgotten what it feels like to fall asleep peacefully when someone close to her and adores her just as she adores them. She forgets what it feels like to feel so confident in someone else. To be so confident in love. To be so confident and to be so convinced that love can conquer all.

She doesn't remember that version of her. That version that smiled from ear to ear. The version of her that had no anxiety. The version who couldn't stop looking at that person and felt her heart skip a beat. The version of her that truly, truly, knew what love was. The version of her that knew that big love could actually happen to someone like her.

People say love never leaves you. People say love is supposed to last forever. But what happens when it starts to fade? What happens when you don't remember anymore? What happens when you start to forget? 

She doesn't want to forget the little things. She doesn't want to forget anything about his love. But here she is, feeling like she blacked out all the days of her life.

Sometimes, love destroys someone in the end.


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