Lost but not forgotten ❤

Goodbye but not forever,

He told her, pleased her not to leave him alone, but she's forced to do so. She always thinks logically and rejects to let dynamic emotions control her. She's being confused and what to do is the difficult question that doesn't have an answer. She insisted on parting him because she doesn't want people to talk about her badly and poorly. He told her that he can't breath without smelling her perfume, he can't read a book without asking whether she has read it or not. He can't go and come without staring at her shy eyes. He begged her to stay with him for days until he convinced his parents and engage her. Because he's not capable of imagining her with another man, he's disable to visualize her heart isn't his. He can't see her while she's a wife for a man who isn't him. He for the first time cries loudly and says ..
Abandon and not to ask about me ..
Go and not to return again ..
Promise and not to be honest ..
Look and not to see me ..
Speak and not to talk to me ..
Stand and not to sit beside me ..
Cry and not to see my tears ..
Leave and not to come back ..

You are not mine, but I am still yours.
I hope u won't forget me as my heart swore not to omit you from my page. Go without farewell for it isn't the last meeting with you. I have you here inside me, in my heart where I can see you whenever I want, I see you, touch you, hug you but not to leave you as you do in reality.


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