
Humans' 'Thoughts ' are the most deep or difficult thoughts in the world. It is almost impossible to say that when and what the mind will think anything behind any situation..... These thoughts often brings to our minds the thoughts of ​​inferiority. We always see the people who are upper classed than us..... and analysis their lives and then we think of ourselves as inferior. ' He has so much money..... he has so much power..... And what I have ??? ... I have nothing !! .... How much inferior I'm. I'm nothing for the world. ' , these types of thoughts comes in our minds, right ??? .... BUT IT'S WRONG. YOU ALSO HAVE LOTS OF THINGS, JUST LOOK AROUND. If a hungry person gets a piece of bread, may be it is a grain of food for others, BUT FOR HIM IT IS NOTHING LESS THAN A GREAT FEAST. SO, WHEN ANY INFERIOR THOUGHT ARRIVES IN YOUR MIND, JUST TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, TURN TOWARDS THEM.... YOU CAME TO BELIEVE THAT ALTHOUGH YOU THINK THAT YOUR NOTHING FOR THE WORLD, BUT FOR SOME PERSONS YOU'RE THE WHOLE WORLD. SO, ALWAYS BE HAPPY AND GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE.


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