The Heavenly portal

There was a war going on in the chambers of my heart, 
Foreign to the result, I decided to play My part. 

I went to the terrace to discover myself amidst the chaos,
As I had lost myself while wandering in the corridors of eros.

Up above, I found a thing to share my lonesome sight,
And it promised to stay with me until every fortnight. 

When I gazed into it, I got enamoured and beguiled by its beauty soon, 
A wraith silver disc hanging in the lonely sky and oh! I found My Mr Moon.

I discovered something beautiful about the moon that night,
While it gently twirled the darkness of my spirit into a blissful light. 

When I felt the gentle touch of the moonlight all over my skin, 
For a moment, I felt the battle inside me has entered into its coffin. 

I acknowledged the magic in my bones as the Moon mumbled in my ears, 
The heavenly portal has opened to spill blessings to choke all my fears. 


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