Who am I ?

They ask who I am?
Where I came from?
Believe me, I've asked that question-
Millions of times by now.
I don't think I have the answer now either,
But here's something close I came up with.
I am a HUMAN!
A collection of bones in a sack,
With few muscles on the bones,
And fluids flowing through it!
I am human!
Full of flaws and faults.
Imperfect in so many ways. 
Weak, very weak!
Weakened by multiple wars.
And I'm lost.
I am so lost, I don't even know where I stand.
I am someone who started a journey-
Called life!
But got lost amidst the adventure.

So that's who I'm. 
When I look in the mirror,
When I see my own reflection,
This is what I see.
Someone who has lost everythin'
Full of regrets and baggage,
Tears and wounds!
Just a bag of bones,
Trying to stand straight-
In front of the mirror!


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