You're My Sunshine💛😇

THE ANGEL WHICH BRIGHTENED UP A LIFE OF A DARK SOUL --  And there i saw her standing alone . Her eyes were searching for something or someone . I wish  i could be that someone . Suddenly i  felt her eyes on me . She slowly walked towards me in the lights of darkness where she was like a moonlight to me in my darkness.
As she approached me my heart was pumping very  high.As she came as angel and showered the lights and brightened up my life, as she was looking and searching for my smile which i losted in the darkness. 
She was so perfect in my favorite colour blue and black denim. I was stunned at that moment .And then she just gave me one of her beautiful smile  at me and said keep this safely because this smile completes you dear. I couldn't utter a word and i was madly admiring her, and kept on seeing her and i was like oh my god such an beautiful angel she is.


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