
Sometimes I'd sit in silence,
And wonder if I'm being real,
Are my feet tied to ground,
Or Am I trapped by my fear?

Do I really fear losing you?,
Or is it all inside my head,
Or Am I haunted by the same monsters,
Which once lived beneath my bed

The longing feels like forever,
It doesn't let me get through. 
But I know If you are happy,
Then I'll be happy too

They say this pretty thing is called LOVE,
And for it I'll have to stay tough,
But you can't feel my legs melting,
You haven't been there for long enough

Whenever you are out of my sight, 
Why do I feel like crying?
Is it okay to feel all this,
Or maybe I'm slowly dying.

Why did you pour empty words to drink,
When you had planned to leave too soon,
And only wanted to know me,
When the sky was bright and the moon was full

But I will never blame you,
For the tear stains on my floor,
As I was the one who thought,
A person owes me to be so much more !



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