Hold me...

After exposing me
After reading me like a book
After making me feel like me
After making me vulnerable 
I want you to stay close and hold me tight
And hold me till my heart beat comes just right...
Soo tell me man are you really up for it?
To know me in and out and read between the lines?

If you are gone I will pull you back....
You just can't leave me like that
Because knowing me comes with a worth 
And it's a huge girth..
Seeing me in and out will make you stay
You can not just lay
You can't not alway be in grey
There is right and wrong
And is white and black
But I am in stuck in grey
Bcz it has some black some white
Some wrong some right
So tell me young man are you really up for it?
To know us and to read out loud between lines ...


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