My Love for You

You came into my life when I was alone another time 
Sowed the seed of love in my barren soul
Made me feel what love is for another time
Made me know what it feels like to be loved
Made me understand what true love is
I felt good about myself for the first time
I made sure I was apt for you in all possible ways I could
I was willing to give up everything for you expecting only one thing return
That you would stay with me
You are that one person made me alive after years of mournful love stories
For the first time I thought those who left may not deserve me
You shaped me in every way most surprisingly without your knowledge
I learnt me
I learnt love
I learnt companionship 
I learnt trust 
I learnt care
I learnt affection
But I am still in the process of learning you
You surprise me every day 
You made sure if I am okay even if you weren't
You took care of me in a way that you wanted to be taken care of
You had love for me in various layers
You expressed yourself in various manners
You reached the bottom tip of my soul and nourished me from inside
I saw a new figure in the mirror after your arrival in my life

And now I have spoiled everything in a fraction of second 
I don't want to lie saying that I did without knowing
I wanted to do it so I did 
I thought it would be better for us
I thought it would always keep you near me
I thought it can make sure you are mine
Yes first time ever since I met you 
I thought of myself and not you
For the first time my selfishness possessed me that I couldn't think of it's aftermath
I don't ask you to come again to me
I don't compel you to forgive me
I don't argue that what I did wasn't a big deal
But just remember
I am used to be alone
But you aren't 
I am used to be abandoned 
But you aren't 
I am used to be sad 
But you shouldn't 
Because pure souls like you should be
loved, cared, kept sacred
All that I want to say is 
I have had people in my heart before you 
But ever since I met you 
It is permanently reserved for you
You can come whenever you wanna see it again
And I am ready to apologize my entire life 
For what I've done 
I know your love for me
You know my love for you

Come back when you feel like my heart!


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