
Showing posts from June, 2021

The gates of peace open only with the keys of trust

Irrespective of what happened to you yesterday, irrespective of what you did to the world or what the world did to you, irrespective of anything and everything, you have to wake up every morning and trust this world all over again. I know it is easier said than done, but you don’t have a choice - just don’t have another choice - because your peace is entwined with your trust. Without trust, there is no peace. Distrust leaves you distressed. In the thousands of times that you may use public transport, your wallet may be picked a couple of times at the most. Even when you don’t trust the world and check your wallet every few minutes, some competent, professional thief will get the better of you and pick your pocket some day … but it would have cost you a million opportunities to be peaceful otherwise. The eyes that see every co-passenger as a potential thief would have ruined your peace thousands of times, while trusting the world would have made every journey peaceful. Be wise and not o

A relationship that matters to you the most …

If you are happy in life right now, it’s not because everything about your life is necessarily going right, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is going great. If you are unhappy in life right now, it’s not because everything about your life is going wrong, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is not going great. Relationships are like seeds. They have to be nurtured and developed. Expectations are like weeds. They grow on their own accord. When enough investment goes into building a relationship, the expectations in that relationship can be managed. When a relationship is left neglected, then the expectations in that relationship shake the very roots of the relationship. Our problem is growing expectations in stagnant relationships. Let us use the metaphor of a savings bank account. Deposits build the reserves in an account from which we can withdraw - but we can withdraw only to the extent we have built the reserves. Similarly, wit

My Love for You

You came into my life when I was alone another time  Sowed the seed of love in my barren soul Made me feel what love is for another time Made me know what it feels like to be loved Made me understand what true love is I felt good about myself for the first time I made sure I was apt for you in all possible ways I could I was willing to give up everything for you expecting only one thing return That you would stay with me You are that one person made me alive after years of mournful love stories For the first time I thought those who left may not deserve me You shaped me in every way most surprisingly without your knowledge I learnt me I learnt love I learnt companionship  I learnt trust  I learnt care I learnt affection But I am still in the process of learning you You surprise me every day  You made sure if I am okay even if you weren't You took care of me in a way that you wanted to be taken care of You had love for me in various layers You expressed yourself in various manners Y

The truth you resist is the battle you fight

When lived honestly, life heals itself. The truth you resist is the battle you fight. You have dumped clothes inside a washing machine. The machine has performed its job. Now the clothes have to be taken out for drying. The longer you keep the clothes inside the machine, the fouler the odour will be. Don’t take it out for a few days and the stench will become unbearable. So it is with our thoughts and emotions. The more and more we keep building thoughts but do not communicate, and the more and more we feel the emotions but do not express, the greater becomes the gap in the relationship. How long will you sweep things under the carpet? Eventually it will come out; and when it comes out. it will come out in unmanageable ugly proportions. Thoughts formed but not communicated, and emotions felt but not expressed become incomplete cycles. Incomplete cycles linger alive in the subconscious. Metaphorically, the lingering incomplete cycles are like scratches formed on spectacles - anything an

The language of life is I CAN

I have often seen children blocking the path of an army of ants on the wall with their hands as a prank. The ants spontaneously find an alternate path and keep marching. The child now blocks even this path and the ants simply find another path and move on … The child, driven by mischief, uses his fingers to push a few ants off the wall. With resilience and spontaneity, the ants begin their climb once again. Whatever be the obstacles, however difficult the hurdles may be, the ants go on with the belief I CAN. Till they die, they try, they fight, they strive and they march on believing I CAN. They lose this sense of I CAN only to death. I have seen bulls pull excessively overloaded carts on flyovers and overbridges. One step at a time, struggling through every inch of it, they make it. They may have been victims of man’s exploitation, but all the same they never give up. Even blades of grass and the almost invisible micro-organisms keep growing against all odds with the belie

Pampering weakens you. Love creates you.

             ~~He is not that into you~~[movie name] It seems, ‘the need to be pampered’, rather than ‘the need to be loved’, is the greatest craving. What’s the difference? To a lot of people, being loved means their loved ones should always be soft with them, always agree with what they say, never complain or criticise, never push them beyond their comfort zones … basically leave them as they are, and not show any signs of wanting to change them. Pampering is - love me only the way I want to be loved. Love is not love that pampers. Love is love that makes a difference. Pampering weakens you. Love creates you. No man is perfect. There is endless scope to improve. Except those who love you, no one else cares about whether you improve or not. In the name of tolerance, pampering will leave you with your imperfections. Even at the cost of hurting your ego, love will give you feedback to make a difference to you. Pampering works on your ego. Love works on you. No man can always

Be someone's greatest gift🌝

 i need a relationship in which I don’t have to keep explaining myself. Nothing is more tiring than having to constantly explain yourself. Emotional tiredness drains you far more than physical tiredness. So, the search is for that one relationship in which I can enjoy the freedom of trust, where I don’t have to explain everything about me. I need a relationship in which I won’t be held against myself. I have my strengths. I have my shortcomings. The search is for that one relationship in which my lesser side will not be provoked and instigated constantly. I want that one relationship in which my positives will always be brought to the surface. I need a relationship in which my today is not viewed with the mistakes I made yesterday. Being human … I’m bound to err every now and then. I want someone who won’t maintain a database of my mistakes. The search is for that relationship where yesterday’s fight doesn’t halt today’s communication … where yesterday was over yesterday. I

Don't you dare

Who are you to judge to me  When you don’t know my story You despise me cause of my Scarred face Little do you know what caused that in the first place Yeah you saw my drained eyes Aligning In a perfect harmony with my blemish lips With your judging looks  By my cover you assumed you knew my whole book Little do you know the sleepless nights I had Within my sleeves the bruises that I want to hide You call me names you call me freak But little do you know what made me this sick See I amn’t like the rest I would scream I would shout but you wouldn’t hear a sound My tears would drop but a trace of it you wouldn’t find My veins would be poisoned but you would still see them red My paled colors would bloom but you would still notice them in the shed My shoulders would crumble but you wouldn’t know what they weighed The pain might suffocate me but my lips wouldn’t make a sound I would be wired out but my heart wouldn’t stop to pound Yeah my responses aren’t like the rest But to o

I'm the one you always wanted

I created art for you, Abstract landscapes painted with love, On infinite easels on walls for you to view, Delicate strokes of brush kissing down the surface, Tip dripping with droplets of exquisite hue, But to you, it was nothing more than a mess. I wrote songs for you, Harmonious melody played with passion, On various instruments to construct a rhythm, An indirect confession through lyrics, To express my feelings without the need of vision, But to you, it sounded like an artist's mimic. I gave my all to you, Being a support and breaking many barriers, Of doing things beyond my wildest dreams, An intention to make you a bit happier, Not realising there was always a day you would leave, With nothing left behind but me. Never give your everything to anyone when you don't even give yourself a moment to heal because everyone else is temporary but a life lesson to learn from.

Hold me...

After exposing me After reading me like a book After making me feel like me After making me vulnerable  I want you to stay close and hold me tight And hold me till my heart beat comes just right... Soo tell me man are you really up for it? To know me in and out and read between the lines? If you are gone I will pull you back.... You just can't leave me like that Because knowing me comes with a worth  And it's a huge girth.. Seeing me in and out will make you stay You can not just lay You can't not alway be in grey There is right and wrong And is white and black But I am in stuck in grey Bcz it has some black some white Some wrong some right So tell me young man are you really up for it? To know us and to read out loud between lines ...