
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Heavenly portal

There was a war going on in the chambers of my heart,  Foreign to the result, I decided to play My part.  I went to the terrace to discover myself amidst the chaos, As I had lost myself while wandering in the corridors of eros. Up above, I found a thing to share my lonesome sight, And it promised to stay with me until every fortnight.  When I gazed into it, I got enamoured and beguiled by its beauty soon,  A wraith silver disc hanging in the lonely sky and oh! I found My Mr Moon. I discovered something beautiful about the moon that night, While it gently twirled the darkness of my spirit into a blissful light.  When I felt the gentle touch of the moonlight all over my skin,  For a moment, I felt the battle inside me has entered into its coffin.  I acknowledged the magic in my bones as the Moon mumbled in my ears,  The heavenly portal has opened to spill blessings to choke all my fears.   

Never Ending Story

Turn around Look at what you see In her face The mirror of your dream Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the light Written on the pages is The answer to our never ending story, ah Reach the stars Fly a fantasy Dream a dream And what you see will be Rhymes that keep their secrets will Unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow is The answer to our never ending story, ah Story, ah You just saved the world Gosh, I miss you, Dusty Bun I miss you more, Suzie Poo I miss you more multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy No, I miss you⁠ Enough!  ------From Stranger Things 


Humans' 'Thoughts ' are the most deep or difficult thoughts in the world. It is almost impossible to say that when and what the mind will think anything behind any situation..... These thoughts often brings to our minds the thoughts of ​​inferiority. We always see the people who are upper classed than us..... and analysis their lives and then we think of ourselves as inferior. ' He has so much money..... he has so much power..... And what I have ??? ... I have nothing !! .... How much inferior I'm. I'm nothing for the world. ' , these types of thoughts comes in our minds, right ??? .... BUT IT'S WRONG. YOU ALSO HAVE LOTS OF THINGS, JUST LOOK AROUND. If a hungry person gets a piece of bread, may be it is a grain of food for others, BUT FOR HIM IT IS NOTHING LESS THAN A GREAT FEAST. SO, WHEN ANY INFERIOR THOUGHT ARRIVES IN YOUR MIND, JUST TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, TURN TOWARDS THEM.... YOU CAME TO BELIEVE THAT ALTHOUGH YOU THINK THAT YOUR

Misleading Thoughts

How can a person be a prisoner while he isn't in a prison. How can one live only inside the box and not to see what there is outside. How can we conceal all the heavy concerns in our chests and stop feeling good?! "Be responsible," his father yells at him angrily. But the boy answered rapidly and confidently " how I can be perfect and seek for perfection whereas I'm a powerless human not god. I've errors and faults; I'm not flawless. I work hard, buckle down, feel anxious about my future when something goes wrong, yet nothing is under my control, I can't change what's written for me. I am always suffering from pain due to my constant problems and endless disasters although I attempt to be patient, to be more conscious of what's going on .. I put all my efforts into finding good solutions, but I'm still a human sometimes my brilliant ideas thrive and make me proud of them, and other times stupid ones control me and let me down d

Who am I ?

They ask who I am? Where I came from? Believe me, I've asked that question- Millions of times by now. I don't think I have the answer now either, But here's something close I came up with. I am a HUMAN! A collection of bones in a sack, With few muscles on the bones, And fluids flowing through it! I am human! Full of flaws and faults. Imperfect in so many ways.  Weak, very weak! Weakened by multiple wars. And I'm lost. I am so lost, I don't even know where I stand. I am someone who started a journey- Called life! But got lost amidst the adventure. So that's who I'm.  When I look in the mirror, When I see my own reflection, This is what I see. Someone who has lost everythin' Full of regrets and baggage, Tears and wounds! Just a bag of bones, Trying to stand straight- In front of the mirror!

Lost but not forgotten ❤

Goodbye but not forever, He told her, pleased her not to leave him alone, but she's forced to do so. She always thinks logically and rejects to let dynamic emotions control her. She's being confused and what to do is the difficult question that doesn't have an answer. She insisted on parting him because she doesn't want people to talk about her badly and poorly. He told her that he can't breath without smelling her perfume, he can't read a book without asking whether she has read it or not. He can't go and come without staring at her shy eyes. He begged her to stay with him for days until he convinced his parents and engage her. Because he's not capable of imagining her with another man, he's disable to visualize her heart isn't his. He can't see her while she's a wife for a man who isn't him. He for the first time cries loudly and says .. Abandon and not to ask about me .. Go and not to return again .. Promise and not to

What if I.....?

What if I told you that am different? That what you see is just what I want you to see. What if I told that this is just a mask that got used to my face and got stuck? What if I told you the only thing you know about me is my name and how I look? That all the rest is just an illusion I have created specially for you and served it for you to digest. What if I told that am unreal?...       What if I told you that am dead on the inside? That am just having human attributes because I learnt how to. What if I told you that you are the cause of my death? That you played a huge role in doing  it while thinking it was for the best. What if I told you, you succeeded unknowingly?....         What if I told you that am fake? That am not whom you think  I am. What if I told that all those smiles that I give to you are fake and my mouth is sealed from the inside and it can't smile? What if I told you that you can't tell the difference of my real and unreal because you not really

My Long-term closest friend

  Dear you, You gotta learn to love yourself first without anyone else. Not everyone is going to give you a return, even when you give them kindness. Why trade your time and company for something so cheap? Just because you have a lonely heart, it's not a good reason to accept everyone in. You can't hold on to something that is an illusion and forcing it to fix by itself. Regardless if it's about friendship or a relationship, you need to know your boundaries and start to draw lines. I know infatuation and attachments are addictive but in the end, they give nothing but an empty feeling as a price to pay.

You're My Sunshine💛😇

THE ANGEL WHICH BRIGHTENED UP A LIFE OF A DARK SOUL --  And there i saw her standing alone . Her eyes were searching for something or someone . I wish  i could be that someone . Suddenly i  felt her eyes on me . She slowly walked towards me in the lights of darkness where she was like a moonlight to me in my darkness. As she approached me my heart was pumping very  high.As she came as angel and showered the lights and brightened up my life, as she was looking and searching for my smile which i losted in the darkness.  She was so perfect in my favorite colour blue and black denim. I was stunned at that moment .And then she just gave me one of her beautiful smile  at me and said keep this safely because this smile completes you dear. I couldn't utter a word and i was madly admiring her, and kept on seeing her and i was like oh my god such an beautiful angel she is.

How it feels like...?

The little things that used to make her glow. She had forgotten the way when she felt being safe with someone else's arms. She had forgotten the way how she quickly gets relaxed and talked to that person like being content without worrying other things just because she trusted them. She had forgetten how it felt to look at someone so close where she couldn't stop thinking about them as if the time had stopped entirely for just both of them in a different world. She had forgotten all the tiny every detail that she used to adore. Like when someone whispered in her ears telling me, he had a crush on her. How did it feel? How did it feel like, to be so safe? To be so carefree and relaxed. What did it feel like to be with them for all eternity? She doesn't remember it. She can think about it. She can think back to it, but she can't feel it anymore. But she wants to. She wants to feel it right now. She wants to remember all of it. But she only remembers a few of t